Recreating an Iconic Shot from Blade Runner 2049

We decided to tackle such an ambitious project that it is the absolute replication of an iconic scene directed by Denis Villeneuve with cinematographer Roger Deakins in Blade Runner 2049. It has been one of the most difficult but also one of the most rewarding projects undertaken, really testing our creative and technical limits in order to rise above all that we have done before.

The Challenge: Water Caustics and Scale

One of the major challenges was understanding and reproducing the water caustics of the source scene in our shot. Water caustics are actually the patterns of light that are created through either refraction or reflection of light through water. I had to use a still from Shot Deck and reconstruct the whole set in 3D. We scaled it down to an available size, making sure each detail got in close to the original.

Finding the Perfect Doll

We got a doll with bendable limbs to achieve the sitting position of character Luv. That way, we could bend it to take up that exact posture. Among the costume, we hired a local tailor who was perfect in designing and making attire that is as similar as possible to Luv’s outfit. In such detail regarding costumes, it was very important for our level of authenticity toward the reenactment.

Crafting the Chairs

On the set, there were the chairs of the set, other fine and complicated pieces. Through clay sculpting, I created chairs that were one single long rectangular strip, folded upon itself to simulate a chair’s shape. It was an elegant shape with a simple design, which really said class about the original set designers.

The Wooden Office

But it was really interesting to find out that through the whole office scene, wood is used. This is canon to the Blade Runner world, where wood is actually a quite scarce, valuable commodity and acts as a sign of Wallace’s huge wealth and power. That adds to the richness and exclusivity of the environment that this material further adds to ours.

Lighting: The Key to Realistic Water Caustics

The lighting setup proved to be important in creating the naturalism of water caustics visible within the movie. We had four flashlights for the big, overarching caustic effect and used a fifth flashlight to slightly guide Luv’s shoulder with illumination. That helped direct the audience’s eyes, akin to what was happening in the reference shot. These miniature light sources from the flashlight head rendered clearer caustic details on our set, which added to its credibility.

Final Thoughts

Overall, we are extremely pleased with our recreation. This was a great project that made us learn so much about attention to detail, materials, and lighting details. We hope the judges appreciate the effort and craftsmanship put into this recreation.

Project by Marcus Mezzano


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